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Monday, August 21, 2006
-And You Are...??-

Over the last few days i havent been online much. No real reason, just taking a little break from the screen is all. And then i take a peek and find someone has left a nasty little comment on my blog.

Ummmm, k.

They dont bother to post their name, just cowardly hide behind the anonymous tag and leave nasty words. Who the hell is this person and why am i a target? From what i can gather so far i think this person is from b.com. Ok an IRC server i havent been to for over a year. A person i have never heard of let alone spoken to. So why the hell would you come at me?

Thats just rude. If your going to harass someone, at least have the courtsey to introduce yourself first. Oy!

From reading up on my usual haunts i gather that this person has a few issues with people who are friends of mine. Personally i know both ladies are more then capable of crushing you all on their own. They certianly dont need me running to their defense, i just cheerfully sit back and ra-ra them on as they anialate you. But be warned, cross me again for no damn reason and i will destroy you. i have the means and the vindictive nature to do so. So piss off.

Things around here are a tad hectic with C's wedding this coming weekend. So my time is limited, but i will be sure to do a better post as soon as i can.

Until later,

Always His angel[IW]

P.S. Dear Dumbass Commenter,
When leaving nasty words on a blog, try get your information correct. It only makes you look like the fuckwit you are when you get it completely wrong.

Most Affectionately,
His angel[IW]

Posted at 7:02 PM



Friday, August 18, 2006
-Innocents Lost-

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You know this is a great idea. It may not be much. Not thousands of dollars or a huge TV add, but just a small simple way to remember those who were lost.

i may not agree with American policies or like much of how they handle world issues today, but that doesnt mean that so many innocents had to die. So here is my small show of support and remembrance for the victims of 9/11. May they have peace as they watch over the rest of us.

Until later.

Always His angel[IW]

Posted at 1:19 PM



Wednesday, August 16, 2006
-A Hump Day Fuck You-

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Oh where to start. i know its been a few days since my last post, but as D would say. i just couldnt be arsed. i've been too tired and too damn busy at work the last week to even look at the computer. But i knew there were those of you out there who check daily so here i am. And this angel is right pissed. my bitch mode is in full swing.

First off, lets start with these twits over at http://italk2much.com/. Honest to fucking God. i have 3 words for you. Get A Life. Seriously, you are dredging up painful memories for not only D but myself as well, from events that happened almost 3 years ago. And you call her pathetic? Umm ok i call bullshit!! Without going into the true details, of which you morons know nothing, suffice it to say that you are all full of shit. You wander blogland day in and day out and criticize other people's blogs and yet when you yourself and called on it you turn tail and run. Yes i speak of the fact that my IP is banned from the site. Isnt that a hoot? If you cant take the verbal beating you so richly deserve, then piss off and keep your mouths shut.

Secondly, if your going to attack people, at least make sure its current information your using. Not posts from a dead blog from what? 2002? Oy get some new material would ya please. Your starting to bore me.

To D. There is no need for you to apologize to me. It isnt your fault these nitwits have no concept of time and date. You and i have settled our differences and the past is where it belongs. In the past. Without the anger, painful emotions and pettiness, i have found a charming, funny and loyal friend. To gain something like that after our history, is truly devine.

Thirdly, to my dear departed friends, and i use the term loosely, over at OWC. i would like to say i am surprised at the backstabbing and nasty comments flying around. But i would be lying. i have known many of you for a few years now and know just how nasty and petty you can be. i'm not excluding myself from that, i can be and am a vindictive, vicious bitch when crossed. And i have been crossed. Do you think i didnt know about the snide little comments behind my back when i left the server? How Crystal could come out from hiding because i was gone? Oh yes i knew about that. i knew about the whole Crystal was seeing Ice in secret behind my back. Do you truly think i am that stupid? Oh yes dear CB i saw that nude pic of yourself you sent Him. A little advice. Eat a burger and the 1970's bush look is out. Trim that thing. As for the pic of His? You know the one i'm speaking of. Umm sunshine? That isnt Him. Please, do you think He's dumb enough to send someone a picture of His dick? He doesnt wear a watch deary. Do you think i wasnt aware of your feelings for Him a long time ago. i was. i simply know that He wont leave me. You got a small taste of His online persona, you will never know what He is like in life. Your sad little attempts at showing me you know Him. Please, you dont know Him anywhere close to the way i do, so stop trying to come off like you do.

And yes, harmony your included here. i know it was you telling CB i was gone and she could come out. i know you knew about the secret thing, which never happened btw. And all the while to my face being all hugs and kisses. Please.

And so in closing. A big Fuck You to those who seek to piss this angel off. i am sick of your petty bullshit. Get over yourselves and stop trying to interfere in my relationship. Cause all you do is piss me off and make my relationship with Him stronger in the end. So go ahead and comment or rant and whine to eachother and any who will listen to you. i dont give a flying fuck. i have more important things to do in my life then worry over what your saying about me. Those who wish to be my friend will do so, those who wish to be loyal will be, those who dont. Well. Fuck off then.

Until later.

Always and forever His angel[IW]

Posted at 4:05 PM



Wednesday, August 09, 2006
-D Made me Meme-

D said i had to so here it is. Another meme. Hehehe.

1) How old were you?
THEN: 19
NOW: 29

2) Where did you go to school?
THEN: Guelph University
NOW: An online Legal Course

3) Where did you work?
THEN: Duh, student
NOW: Office Admin for a pawn shop.

4) Where did you live?
THEN: Near Ottawa, Ontario
NOW: With Ice in London, Ontario

5) How was your hair style?
THEN: Deep chestnut and to my shoulders
NOW: A pale chestnut/gold and nearly to my waist. Ice wont let me cut it.

6) Did you wear contacts?
NOW: No.

7) Did you wear glasses?
THEN: Yes.
NOW: No.

8) Who were your best friends?
THEN: Nadine, Michelle, Jay
NOW: Christina, Sean, Lisa

9) Which of your pets were still alive?
THEN: They are both gone now, and still dearly missed.
NOW: A cat who thinks she can Domme Ice. Hehehe

10) Who was your celebrity crush?
THEN: Didn't have one that i can remember.
NOW: Wentworth Miller, OMFG have you seen those eyes?

11) How many piercings did you have?
THEN: One. My ears.
NOW: 2, ears and navel.

12) How many tattoos did you have?
THEN: None
NOW: None, yet.

13) What was your favorite band/singer?
THEN: Deana Carter, Strawberry Wine.
NOW: Aerosmith

14) Had you smoked a cigarette?
THEN: Yes.
NOW: Yes.

15) Had you gotten drunk?
THEN: Yep.
NOW: Yep.

16) What did you want to be when you grew up?
THEN: Training horses.
NOW: A legal assitant.

17) Looking back, are you where you wanted to be in 2006?

i cant say that for sure. Back then i was still a teenager and didnt really have an idea where i wanted to be the following year. Now that i am where i am. There is no place else i would rather be.

Posted at 6:07 PM



-Fed, Fat and Happy-

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Ok i know. i havent blogged in a few days. With Ice being sick and work being insane i have just been too tired to know which way is up. i'll try catch you up on things and not make a jumble of it.

Ice's new diet is going well so far. He's been really good about it. The whole family is in on it now as well. Eating what He eats for the most part. More fresh veggies and less fat. i have to admit, the things He makes now for dinner is filling me more then the fast food and junk was. Alot of grains and pastas, salads and grilled not fried. Simple changes that anyone can make. Just with a busy life and 3 teenagers, not always easy to do. Alot of rices the last few days too. Whole grain wild rice. OMG it is so good. i love rice to begin with but this stuff is to die for. i dont know what He's doing to it, but i could eat that every day.

The change this scare has brought about in Him is amazing. He seems clearer, more focused. He isnt as angry and quick to snap at people as He used to be. His eyes are clearer and He's laughing more. Now that isnt to say He isnt His usual asshole self, cause He is. LOL. He just seems so much more relaxed and easy going. i had been a little nervous this last week about sex. i was worried it may cause a relaspe or something, so i shied away. That didnt go over well at all. So over the weekend, i primped and preened and smoothed and moisturized. OMG the sex was fantastic. Now that isnt to say that it isnt always that good, cause trust me it is. But somehow this was different. More like a celebration and affirmation of life kinda thing. Either way, no matter what it was, it was well worth repeating.

On another note. Work has been busy as hell. i always seem to have so much to do and not enough time to do it in. Inventory had to be finished, jewellery had to be polished and priced to sell, paperwork had to be inputted and filed away. God it never ends. At least today i got almost all of the inventory done. Although one of the guys i work with, T, thought it would be a laugh riot to pose as an irrated customer on the phone by using a cell. Needless to say when i found out who it was, he got zapped with the new electrified flyswatter. my manager J was his usual dumbass self. Doing those stupid whiteboy dances that he thinks are so cool. Singing way off key that i wonder to myself, i hope the neighbourhood dogs are ok. All in all a fairly normal few days.

And so here i sit, tummy blissfully full of yummies and ready to play a little Poppit on Pogo.com for a little while before curling into bed beside my Wolf. Just one more thing to do on here tonight and i'm off to poppit.

Until later.

Always His angel[IW]

Posted at 5:42 PM



Saturday, August 05, 2006
-A Freebie-

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So we got Ice's cholestorol results back. *coughs delicately* Lets just say some things need to change. So now we are watching what we eat and keeping an eye on things like transfats and soduim etc etc. Its a pain in the ass but it has to be done. We all want Him around for a long time to come. We even had to take most of His beer away. Oh dear God the heavens nearly fell then. But He is allowed 1 or 2 beers every once in awhile. He's been a good sport about it. i think this attack really scared Him and made Him realize that there are things in His life that have to change.

He doesnt want to end up like His dad. Who after 4 warning attacks was killed but the 5th when he was only 54. Ice wants to see His children grow and have lil ones of their own. He wants to stand up and marry me next summer. So now its walks every night, a better diet and trying to be a little less stressed. Which for Him will be hard. He tends to get pissed off over silly things at times. So far He's doing really well. Although its not something that is being forced on Him. He knows these things have to change and is willing and able to see it through.

On a lighter note. We get a free holiday weekend here. i have no idea why this is a holiday, but i'll take it anyways. They call it a civic holiday. It's prolly just so the goons up in Ottawa can get a tax rebate or something. All i know is i get a 2-day weekend. i usually only get Sundays off, so this is a real treat for me. The weather is supposed to be perfect, so i'm hoping we can get out of the house and do something. After the last 2 weeks of mind melting humidity and record breaking heat. This is a lovely change. Thats not to say its not still hot out, its just tolerable. So i'm off to wallow in sunshine and 2 whole days of lazing off.

Until later.

Always His angel[IW]

Posted at 3:09 PM

